For vaporising AMERETAT Essential's 100% pure Essential Oils and Synergies.
Inhalation of 100% pure Essential Oils works mainly on the mind whilst encouraging the body to heal itself to good health and is one of the finest ways to bring the benefits of Aromatherapy into your daily life.
Safety is the predominant feature of the Ameretat Electric Oil Vaporiser, by eliminating the potentially dangerous naked flame, oily hot water and messy candle wax. Self regulating low temperature produces subtle and effective vaporisation. Safe to handle when in use - remains cool to touch. Maximum operating cost of 35 cents a week, even when switched on 24 hours a day.
Vaporisation keeps infections at bay, relaxes the brain and body after a stressful day, helps insomnia and can even set the mood for a party. All this being done without any special effort!
Caring For Your Vaporiser: After your essential oil has vaporised from the bowl, wipe clean with a damp cloth. Alternatively, add 2-3 drops of essential oil (Lemongrass works a treat!) or vaporiser cleanser to the warm bowl to loosen any residue that may remain.
Designed for safe, clean and efficient diffusion of essential oils and essential oil synergies. No naked flame, no oily hot water and no on going costs.