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Anti Acne Set for Teenagers
Anti Acne Teenagers
Our Price: $55.00 (50.00 exc GST)

Product Code: AAT

Acne is usually the result of over production of Seborrhoea (fat from sebaceous glands).

Our treatment routine with essential oils, combined with a good diet and plenty of fresh air helps clear the problem.

We have used the following routine for children/teenagers with much success.

What your anti-acne set contains:
10ml Ameretat Tea Tree 100% Pure Essential Oil
50ml Ameretat Anti Acne Facial Oil
100gm Ameretat Green Clay

1. Application of Ameretat Tea Tree Pure Essential Oil
  • put 3/4 drops in a bowl of hot water (tolerable, not too hot) and swish well
  • soak a clean face cloth in the solution, wring it out and then compress face
  • repeat compress 3 to 4 times
2. Dry face with another clean face cloth
3. Apply a few drops of Ameretat Anti Acne Facial Oil containing 100% pure essential oils of German Chamomile, Roman Chamomile, Lavender, Carrot Seed Oil and Vitamin E blended in Golden Jojoba.
4. As a treatment once a week, apply a face masque with Ameretat Green Clay
  • take a teaspoon of the clay and add 3 drops of the facial blend and a teaspoon full of water
  • make into a paste
  • apply to face (avoiding the eye sockets)
  • lie down, relax and think 'happy thoughts'
  • wash off after 10-15 minutes
  • pat dry
  • apply a few drops of Ameretat Anti Acne Facial Oil
Keep out of reach of children. For external use only; do not ingest. Avoid contact with eyes, broken or inflamed skin. A sensitivity patch test is advised before using this product.

How to carry out a Skin Sensitivity Patch test?
A Sensitivity Patch test is recommended before using new oil blends, especially if one has a sensitive skin, food allergy, hay fever, eczema or asthma. Apply a small amount of the product behind the ear or on the inside of the elbow; leave on for at least an hour. If there is an adverse reaction like redness, swelling or itching DO NOT use the product; remove immediately with a wet tissue and rinse well.